I can't even get my homeschool coop (200 families approx) to go phone-free at our classes. Bear in mind that the parents of all the kids are on the campus all the time the kids are there. There is absolutely no "safety" reason the kids need phones. And yet, every time I bring it up it gets shot down by the board members. (The president gave her 9 children smartphones in their tweens, so I guess I'm not surprised.)

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Frankly, that’s amazing and depressing. Parents will simply have to handle that pressure.

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I think the word big is being used just to attack any company someone has an issue with. I'm worried about is big government everything else is private property and you could deal with the way you want but not having government infringe rights of businesses and parents goodbye.

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I mentioned the First Amendment issues. However, the shape of the American economy now dominated by the Big Tech four would make the Railroad barons blush. As I said, however, my post’s goal is not political — it’s a call for activism by teachers, parents, pastors, etc.

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