I live in Canada, so I can only speak about conditions here. I think that there are more than a few women who might be attracted to the concept, but the cost of living up here is prohibitive, especially housing. The average cost of a house up here is now $735,900.00 Not too many men make enough to carry a mortgage on a home nowadays, plus pay for everything else. I am a grandfather, and my wife was always a "trad wife" (or "domestic goddess"). However, she ran the finances and usually had the final say on most things. I don't know too many relationships where men always get the final say.

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Well, that isn't the issue. The overlapping roles in farms? That was "trad," in a way. Some wives are now in the home, but with digital home-based work. Is that "trad"? But the big point here is that this is ANOTHER trend in which the church is going to have to address "influencers" -- like it or not.

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