Just retired after 20 years in uniform. 4 kids, none went military.

Yes, the revolution in morals in the military plays a part in my no-vote for people to sign up. When I entered the service, don't ask-don't tell was the rule for homosexual soldiers. Now the military will pay for your gender reassignment.

But that's not the full story. 20 years ago we were waging "war on terror." How did that turn out? We had an inglorious evacuation of Afghanistan after our longest time engaged ever. Translation, we failed. Iraq really didn't turn out any better. Who's going to recommend signing up for that? Spend your prime years sacrificing for nothing, while watching friends die, marriages fail, and other friends get messed up physically and/or mentally. All for no net gain as a country.

Nope. Is it all the military's fault? No, I place a lot of blame on the State Department for being completely inept and understanding how to "nation build."

I'm glad I'm out. I'm glad I survived to retire.

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It’s interesting that your concerns are conservative, on culture, and foreign policy stances are now a political puzzle. But the PAIN is not political.

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My active duty was 1963-67. The only non-white officers I encountered were a very few Asian-Americans. There were no women officers at sea, most were nurses. A friend who had been commissioned with me and in whom the Navy had invested many thousands of dollars in an NROTC scholarship was exposed as a homosexual and administratively discharged, even though there was no evidence or even allegation that he had had sex with anyone in the Navy. A good officer who was no threat to anyone was released, a waste of taxpayer money.

Now, there are many more non-white and gay naval officers, and the sailors in the fleet accept them as equals, a much better state of affairs than 60 years ago. Recruiting is down not because of DEI, but because the recent wars have been started on false or flimsy premises (For what good cause did my shipmates die in Vietnam?) and because the tempo of operations and deployments are grueling. Suicides rates among the military are above that of the general population; there's too much unnecessary stress and too many unrealistic demands. Having a former president who vocally belittles and insults those who have served, fought, and died hardly encourages recruitment.

Actively seeking to include everyone in the military ensures the participation in national defense by all Americans. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a Black man; the Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandant of the Coast Guard are White women. They got there through achievement, dedication.

When my wife was in medical school 55 years ago, there was still vocal opposition to women in many specialties and even to being medical doctors at all. We have come a long way. Raising the DEI/woke boogieman seems to be a negative, visceral reaction that exposes bigotry and fear.

Anchor's aweigh.

Earl Higgins

Commander, U.S. Navy (Retired)

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