Bonnie Hunt has the gift of grace and tact. She is the quintessential Midwest hostess from a certain era. One must not confuse compassion and a willingness to listen for right-of-center.

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Totally agree. We live in an age, however, when almost anything normal is considered right of center.

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I enjoyed the fun Tim Allen had mocking the libs on Last Man Standing.

Brigham Young University has a topnotch film program. Their award-winning AdLab produced the "Mayhem" Allstate ad character as well as the Old Spice "Man Your Man Can Smell Like" ad. Here's a recent film short awarded top three of student work worldwide: https://news.byu.edu/intellect/pedal-to-the-medal-byu-animated-short-film-races-to-student-academy-award

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You might want to look at Justine Bateman on X.

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