The idea of making Advent a time to be silent is completely foreign to us, to refuse the upside down values of the world (which make our values seem upside down) and to actually live life in awareness of the presence of God—even many Christians struggle with this. I know I have. What you say about doctrine is profound. And tragic.

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Ugh, Substack, where’s the Edit button?! Continued:

I will say I found some irony in the fact that the gentleman who purchased the banana was a cryptocurrency entrepreneur. He made a lot of “money” that is only worth something because the market said so, and spent it on a piece of “art” that was only worth something because the market said so. Then he . . . ate it.

I think, as a society, we’ve been had!

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Amen! I attended an art school and I think at least 99% of modern art is terrible. I could wander the Louvre or the Met all day long, but after an hour of trudging through statements and deconstructions I’m just exhausted. It’s meant to push you, to test you — not to express truth and beauty as true art should do.

I will say that I found some iron

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Some iron? Or some irony? I would say that the exhibits were mean to SOCIALIZE you into a new culture.

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