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Totally agree! Here's my comment from the other article...

AMEN! The first reason mentioned in the article (fitting in) can be heartbreaking for those parents & kids making the smart choice to go without smart devices. All the other teens (even truly Christian ones, even homeschoolers!) have phones, and the kids' interaction is almost wholly around phones, even when they are there together in person, so the kid/teen without a device is always on the outside of the group.

Parents need to find a group to socialize with from when their kids are young that makes the pact of NO PHONES.

On the upside, most traditional Catholics (i.e., those who prefer the traditional Latin Mass) do not give their kids phones or unsupervised devices, and most of them homeschool, so there is a built-in community for kids & teens. It's like they're the only group that gets how **extremely** harmful these devices are to kids (and adults), in so many ways.

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